Columbus, OH
Thursday, November 15, 2007
In Honor of Harvey Rosen, 2007 Daniel M. Holland Medal Recipient
- William M. Gentry, Rigorous Guidelines for Applied Analysis: Comments in Honor of Harvey Rosen, Recipient of the Daniel M. Holland Medal
- Ted Gayer, Speech in Honor of Harvey Rosen for Receiving the Dan Holland Medal
- Harvey S. Rosen, Remarks to the National Tax Association
Business Incentives and the Location of Activity
- William H. Hoyt, Christopher Jepsen, and Kenneth R. Troske, An Examination of Incentives to Attract and Retain Businesses: Evidence from Kentucky
- Michael T. Tasto, Firm Recruitment by States in the United States
- Martin Grace, David L. Sjoquist, and Laura Wheeler, Insurance Premium Taxes
Applied General Equilibrium Analysis
- Timothy S. Gunning, John W. Diamond, and George R. Zodrow, Selecting Parameter Values for General Equilibrium Model Simulations
- Craig E. Johnson and David Joulfaian, A Dynamic Analysis of Estate Tax Repeal
- Tracy L. Foertsch and Ralph A. Rector, The Economic and Budget Effects of Permanently Extending the 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts
Measuring and Reducing Filing Burdens for Individual Taxpayers
- Donald DeLuca, John Guyton, Wu-Lang Lee, John O’Hare, and Scott Stilmar, Estimates of U.S. Federal Income Tax Compliance Burden for Small Businesses
- Allen H. Lerman, The Federal Individual Income Tax Form: How Does Its Appearance Matter?
Property Tax Incidence Studies
- Jennifer Gravelle, Who Pays Property Taxes? A Look at the Excise Tax Effects of Property Taxes Across the States
- John L. Mikesell and Daniel R. Mullins, The Impacts of Property and Household Characteristics and Property Tax Systems on Household Property Tax Burdens: An Analysis from Individual Property Data
- Daniel Muhammad, Horizontal Inequity, Vertical Inequity, and the District of Columbia’s Property Assessment Cap
State and Local Revenue Forecasting
- Fitzroy Lee, Forecasting with Structural Breaks: The District of Columbia Before and After the Financial Crisis
- Frederick Church and Christopher Hall, The Track of the CAT – Forecasting Ohio’s New Gross Receipts Tax
Small Business Tax Incentives
- Jane G. Gravelle, Federal Tax Treatment of Small Business: How Favorable? How Justified?
- Eric Toder, Does the Federal Income Tax Favor Small Business?
Fiscal Decentralization Around the World
- Mehmet Serkan Tosun and Serdar Yilmaz, Centralization, Intergovernmental Structure, and Reform in the Middle East and North Africa
- Jameson Boex, Fiscal Decentralization in Tanzania: Assessing the Implementation of the Formula-based Recurrent Grant System
- Ehtisham Ahmad and Giorgio Brosio, Political Economy of Multi-level Tax Assignments in Latin American Countries: Earmarked Revenue versus Tax Autonomy
- Blanca Moreno-Dodson, Comments
Multinational Business, Repatriation, and Tax Holidays
- Melissa Costa, The One-time Received Dividend Deduction
Friday, November 16, 2007
Inequality, Redistribution, and Fiscal Federalism
- Howard Chernick, A Reconsideration of the Optimal Assignment of Redistribution Under Fiscal Federalism
Taxation and Policy Issues in Commercial Gaming
- William R. Eadington and Eugene Martin Christiansen, Tourist Destination Resorts, Market Structures, and Tax Environments for Casino Industries: An Examination of the Global Experience of Casino Resort Development
- Jim Landers, Estimates of the Price Elasticity of Demand for Gaming, and the Impact of Wagering and Admission Taxes on the Demand for Gaming
Frontiers of Public Finance: 2007 NTA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award Winners
- David Albouy, Does New York City Pay Too Much in Federal Taxes Relative to Columbus?
- Garth Heutel, Environmental and Social Service Charities: Private and Public Sources of Funding
Taxes and Corporate Activity
- LeAnn Luna and Ann Boyd Watts, Federal Tax Legislative Changes and State Conformity
- Estelle Dauchy and Claudia Martínez A., Corporate Tax Minimization and the Effectiveness of Investment Tax Incentives
Panel Data, Life-Changing Events, Tax Policy, and Economic Analysis
- John W. Diamond, Ralph A. Rector, and Mike Weber, Using an Individual Income Tax Panel File to Measure Changes in Marginal Tax Rates: Opportunities and Limitations
Cigarette Taxation and Tax Avoidance
- Howard Chernick, Cigarette Tax Rates and Cigarette Tax Revenues
Timing Issues With the Federal Individual Income Tax
- Alan D. Viard, Here Today, Gone Tomorrow: Income Taxation of Cash Flow Reversals
Graduate Student Session
- Kampon Adireksombat, The Effects of 1993 EITC Expansion on Marginal Tax Rates
Measuring Tax Burdens
- Jan Vosswinkel, Comments on “Comparing Tax Burdens Across States: The Roles of Federal Deductibility and the AMT”, Anne Christensen and Douglas J. Young
Cherry Picking the Advisory Panel’s Tax Proposals
- George K. Yin, Reforming the Taxation of Foreign Direct Investment by U.S. Taxpayers
- Jane G. Gravelle, Good Ideas – And Bad Ones – From the President’s Advisory Panel on Tax Reform
- James M. Poterba, The Recommendations of the President’s Advisory Panel on Federal Tax Reform: A Two-Year Perspective
Thoughts From Authors of Public Finance Textbooks
- John E. Anderson, Public Finance Textbook Session
- Ronald C. Fisher, Author Thoughts from a State and Local Government Perspective
- John L. Mikesell, A Public Finance Textbook for Prospective Public Administrators: Balancing Sound Economics with Applications in the Public Service
- Peggy B. Musgrave, Thoughts on Writing a Public Finance Text
Issues in Fiscal Federalism: An International Perspective
- Richard W. England, European Integration, Tax Base Mobility, and Fiscal Strain
Theory and Practice of Public Finance: One Hundred Years and Beyond
- Martin Feldstein, Effects of Taxes on Economic Behavior
Saturday, November 17, 2007
Local Finance Issues
- Brian Hill and Bryan Shone, Impacts of Property Tax Limitations on Education Spending
- Robert W. Wassmer, Community Planning Councils as a Way to Satisfy the Tieboutian Drive for Local Control
Impacts of State Corporation Income Tax and the Taxation of Capital
- Laura Wheeler and Sally Wallace, Effect of State R&D Tax Credits in Stimulating State Industrial R&D Activity
Efforts to Improve Compliance
- Hari S. Luitel, Short-Run and Long-Run Effects of Tax Amnesties on Tax Revenues: Evidences from U.S. States
Reflections on 100 Years of NTA
- François Vaillancourt, The NTA at 100: A Perspective from Canada
- Leslie Papke, Thoughts from a Second-Generation NTA Member
- Frederic W. Hickman, Reflections of a Former NTA President
Localized Incentive Programs: EZ Does It?
- Robert T. Greenbaum, Tricia L. Petras, and Andy Hultquist, An Examination of the Impact of Governmental Disaster Relief Incentives on Business Location and Employment Decisions
- Byron Lutz, Comments on “Tax Incentives for Investing in Low-Income Communities: Has the New Market Tax Credit Led to Increased Investment in Targeted Communities?”, Tami Gurley-Calvez, Thomas J. Gilbert, Donald J. Marples, Katherine Harper, and Kevin Daly
Effects of Taxes on Charitable Giving and Saving Behavior
- Seth H. Giertz, Tax Reform and Charitable Giving
- Shih-Ying Wu, Charitable Contributions Under the Alternative Minimum Tax
- Gary Koenig and Michael Udell, Rates of Returns in Individual Retirement Accounts from 1999 through 2004: Winners and Losers and What It Means for Retirement Income Security
The Growth and Volatility of State Revenues and Expenditures
- Yilin Hou and Jason S. Seligman, Lost Stability? Consumption Taxes and the Cyclical Volatility of State and Local Revenues
- Ray D. Nelson, Bryant R. Howe, and Philip V. Dean, State Revenue Adequacy and Optimal State Portfolios of Sales Tax Components