Philadelphia, PA
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Fiscal Policy and Redistribution
- Zhiyong An, Regressive State Tax Systems: Facts, Several Possible Explanations, and Empirical Evidence
- (Janey) Qian Wang, The Impact of Intergovernmental Transfer on State and Local Governments’ Tax Progressivity and Redistributive Expenditure Policy
International Perspectives on Fiscal Policy and Federalism
- Fabrizio Balassone, Maura Francese, and Stefania Zotteri, Cyclical Asymmetry in Fiscal Variables
- Blanca Moreno-Dodson, How Will the Global Financial Crisis Affect Fiscal Policy at the Subnational Level? Relevant Issues for Developing Countries
Responsible Public Sector Investment and Debt Policy
- Daniel R. Mullins and Marvin Ward, Jr., Violating the Golden Rule: Fleecing the Next Generation from the Backs of the Past
Tax Efficiency: Federal, State, and Local Taxes
- Athiphat Muthitacharoen and George R. Zodrow, Efficiency and State and Local Taxation
Corporate Tax Base, Capital Gains, and Tax Equity
- Richard Winchester, Equity Undermined: The 1918 Check-the-Box Entity Classification Election
Land, Homes, and Timeshares: Tax Incidence and Amenity Capitalization
- Claudio Agostini and Gastón Palmucci, The Impact of a New Subway Line on Property Values in Santiago
- Sally Kwak and James Mak, Taxing Timeshare Occupancy in Hawaii
Property Tax Administration and Property Tax Data
- Rebecca Boldt, Bradley Caruth, and Andrew Reschovsky, Residential Property Tax Growth: Are the Data as Noisy as the Debate?
- John L. Mikesell and Daniel R. Mullins, Structural/Institutional Determinants of Variations in Household Property Burdens and Effective Tax Rates Within and Across Local Governments: The Implications of Classification, Assessment Methods, Revenue Diversity, and TELs
Issues in Taxpayer Filing and Tax Compliance
- Karen Masken, Mark Mazur, Joann Meikle, and Roy Nord, Do Products Offering Expedited Refunds Increase Income Tax Noncompliance?
- Sonja Pippin and Mehmet Serkan Tosun, Improving the Effectiveness of E-Government Policies: The Example of Federal E-Filing and Underprivileged Taxpayer Groups
- Kim M. Bloomquist, Who Does Your Taxes? Social Learning and the Decision to Use a Tax Preparer
Fiscal Policy and Entrepreneurship
- Sara LaLumia, Responses of the Self-Employed to the 2001 Tax Act
Taxes and Education
- John Deskins, Brian Hill, and M. H. Tuttle, How Does State and Local Education Spending Affect State Economic Growth in the Long Run?
A Long-Term Perspective on the Eitc and Other Refundable Credits
- Patrick Bernhardt and Janet Holtzblatt, Low-Income Childless Individuals and the Tax and Transfer Systems
Friday, November 21, 2008
From Working to Retirement: Income, Taxes, and Distribution Decisions
- Sarah Holden and David Wray, Retirement: Are Plan Sponsors and Participants Parting Ways?
Turmoil in Housing Markets: Foreclosures, Property Tax Revenues, and Housing Supply
- Nathan B. Anderson and Jane K. Dokko, Mortgage Delinquency and Property Taxes
Funding Public Goods in Selected Countries
- Brian Chi-ang Lin and Yu-bong Lai, Spending Cooperation for the Provision of International Public Goods
Taxes and the Family: Children, Marriage and Saving
- Victoria L. Bryant, Leslie Countryman, John Diamond, and Trang Dinh, Marriage Penalty Relief in the 2001 and 2003 Tax Cuts: Implications for Horizontal Equity
- Kevin J. Mumford, The Efficiency Cost of Child Tax Benefits
The Crisis in States and Local Government Statistics: A One-Year Assessment
- Robert P. Strauss, Options for Census to Reinstate Measuring Taxable Property Values
- John L. Czajka, How to Make State and Local Government Statistics More Relevant, Accurate, Timely, Accessible, Interpretable, and Transparent
State Revenue Estimation and Forecasting Issues, Methods, and Challenges
- Michael Hicks, Forecasting State Level Economic Activity: An Error Correction Model with Exogenous National Structural Forecast Components
- Jim Landers, Useful Data May Be Right Under Your Nose: Estimating the Elasticity of Taxable Income with Local Option Income Tax Data
Property Tax Reform and Property Tax Limits: The Legacy of Proposition 13
- John Matthews, David L. Sjoquist, and John V. Winters, Reducing Property Taxes in Georgia: Descriptions and Analysis of Recent Proposals
- Cecil Bohanon, Dagney Faulk, and Michael Hicks, Property Tax Restructuring in Indiana: The Role of Tax Rate Variability
Recent Issues in European Public Finance
- Domenico Moro, Fiscal Rules: The Stability and Growth Pact in the European Monetary Union
- John L. Mikesell, State Retail Sales Taxes and Nonprofit Organizations: Programs without Policy
Federal Corporate Income Tax (Panel Discussion)
- Jane G. Gravelle, Views on the Corporate Tax
- Andrew B. Lyon, Designing the U.S. Corporate Tax System for the 21st Century–Some Real-World Considerations
Topics on State and Local Taxation
- Kathryn L. Combs and John A. Spry, The Increase in Ohio Lottery Pick 3 and Pick 4 Sales from Introducing Midday Drawings
Luncheon Address
- Tom Wolf, Taxation, Public Goods, and Public Trust: It’s Not Just About the Economy
Frontiers of Public Finance: 2008 NTA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award Winners
- Hui Shan, Property Taxes and Elderly Labor Supply
Political Economy of Local Public Education
- Amy Higginbotham, Property Tax Assessment Procedure Changes Effect on School Resources and Student Performance
Taxes and Government Structure
- William A. Fischel, The 1787 Origins of the Tiebout Model: How Congressional Desire for Revenue Promoted Local School Districts
In Honor of Walter Hellerstein, 2008 Daniel M. Holland Medal Recipient
- John A. Swain, Walter Hellerstein: The Annotation is in the Grooves
- William F. Fox, Walter Hellerstein: Innovative Perspectives on the Sales Tax
- Charles E. McLure, Jr., Defining the Rules of the Game: Walter Hellerstein and the Law of State and Local Taxation
- Walter Hellerstein, Reflections on Receipt of the Dan Holland Award
Saturday, November 22, 2008
Investors and Investment: January Effect, Reits, and Turnover Taxes on Stocks
- Thornton Matheson, Do Pass-Through Entities Strip Income from Their Corporate Subs? Evidence from Taxable REIT Subsidiaries
Environmental and Energy Policy
- Laurence S. Seidman and Kenneth A. Lewis, Practical Problems Confronting a Carbon Tax or Permit Treaty
- Jeremy J. Sorenson and Raymond J. Ring, Jr., Ownership and Tax Structure Implications for Wind Energy Investment
Tax Compliance
- Richard T. Ainsworth, Zappers – Skimming Cash with Technology
Tax Autonomy of Local Governments
- Harold Wolman, Robert McManmon, Michael Bell, and David Brunori, Comparing Local Government Autonomy Across States
Fiscal Equalization and Consequences for Tax Effort and Fiscal Capacity
- Tuan Minh Le, Blanca Moreno-Dodson, and Jeep Rojchaichaninthorn, Expanding Taxable Capacity and Reaching Revenue Potential: Cross-Country Analysis
The Taxation of High-Income Households
- Robert H. Frank, The Progressive Consumption Tax as a Positional Arms Control Agreement
- Laurence S. Seidman and Kenneth A. Lewis, A Surtax on High-Income Households on the 1040: Consumption Versus Income
Overcoming Challenges to Effective Fiscal Decentralization in Developing and Transition Countries
- François Vaillancourt, Stéphane Laporte, and Viorela Diaconu, Three Issues in Intergovernmental Grants: Imperfect Data, Access Criterion, and Minimum Size of Investments
- Blane D. Lewis and Paul Smoke, Incorporating Subnational Performance Incentives in the Indonesian Intergovernmental Fiscal Framwork
- Jorge Martinez-Vazquez and Andrey Timofeev, Never Say Never: Implementation of Decentralization Reform in Macedonia