Taxation in the Trump Era:
Reforms, Revenues and Repercussions
We invite you to join us in Washington, DC for our 47th Annual Spring Symposium!
Holiday Inn Capitol
May 18-19, 2017
The National Tax Association’s 47th Annual Spring Symposium, “Taxation in the Trump Era: Reforms, Revenues and Repercussions,” will examine the national and local impact of major tax reform initiatives likely to arise under the current government. These include personal income tax changes affecting families and work incentives, replacing the Affordable Care Act, and fundamental corporate tax reform. Other sessions will consider the general tax and budget outlook, dynamic scoring, and state-level carbon initiatives.
We are pleased to announce that our luncheon speakers will be Eric Toder (Urban Institute Fellow and Co-Director of the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center), who will address the distributional impact of proposed tax reforms, and Harley Duncan (Managing Director at KPMG and former Executive Director of the Federation of Tax Administrators), who will address their impact on the states.
The Symposium is presented in association with the American Tax Policy Institute.