The short course on climate-related provisions in the Inflation Reduction Act, with the goal of providing academics and graduate students with the information they need to plan research projects and to integrate the study of climate-related provisions into course syllabi. Michael Kaercher, Senior Attorney Advisor and Director of the Climate Tax Project at the Tax Law Center at NYU Law and Taylor Cranor, Attorney-Advisor, Tax Law Center, New York University will be the instructors for the course. The course will run from 1:00 to 2:30 pm, on Saturday, November 4th.
Session Description
The IRA Climate Tax Credits
The IRA makes the largest-ever US investment in addressing climate change, with more than three quarters of that investment run through the Internal Revenue Code in a series of tax credits intended to accelerate deployment of clean technologies and reduce emissions. This short course will provide participants with an overview of the IRA’s tax credits, including those for generation and storage, fuels and hydrogen, building efficiency, clean vehicles, manufacturing, and bonuses for domestic production, labor standards, and other criteria. It will outline the goals these provisions, and current estimates of their revenue cost and impact on deployment of clean technologies. The course will also explain how the law introduces novel methods for clean energy project developers and investors to monetize the tax credits, making them available to new market players including States, localities, tribes, territories, public utilities, rural electric co-ops, and smaller and newer businesses. As we discuss these topics, we will highlight a selection of interesting questions for future research around the many interacting components of a law intended to alter large parts of the economy and that poses many interesting challenges for tax policy and administration.
Watch the recording of the IRA Climate Tax Credits session by clicking here. To view the PDF slide deck presentation, click IRA Presentation for 116th NTA (1). Note, depending on your browser speed, the recording may take a minute to load.