2023 NTA Climate Tax Fellowship Recipients

The NTA Climate Tax Fellowship provides conference travel funding for graduate students and early career MAs/PhDs/JDs whose research and professional interests lie at the intersection of tax and climate policy. The fellowship provides an NTA membership and supports the travel and participation of up to 4 students or early career professionals at the 116th NTA Annual Conference in Denver, Colorado, November 2nd — 4th.

Postgraduate degree candidates (including JDs, PhDs, and Masters’ students) currently enrolled at an institution of higher education OR early career scholars within five years of completing their graduate degree with a demonstrated interest in issues at the intersection of tax and climate or environmental policy are eligible for the fellowship.

2023 Recipients

Kiran Chawla, Stanford University

Kelsey Larson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Tasnim Ahmed Mahin, University of Nebraska-Lincoln

Mary Quiroga, University of Michigan