NTA Session at ASSA

The National Tax Association is soliciting papers for presentation at the 2025 Allied Social Science Association (ASSA) annual meeting to be held from January 3–5, 2025 (Friday, Saturday, Sunday) in San Francisco, California. Based upon submitted abstracts, papers will be selected for one NTA session at the ASSA. NTA seeks abstracts on broad topics related to public finance, accounting, retirement, enforcement, international taxes, and fiscal policy. Any paper you think would be of interest to NTA members can be submitted. The submissions will be reviewed and organized by a committee led by Jennifer Blouin, NTA President.

Anyone is eligible to submit an abstract of a paper but you must be willing to attend the ASSA meetings in San Francisco in person. NTA is not offering any subsidy for travel or registration to present any selected papers.

To submit, please send an abstract (no more than 500 words) and a list of all authors of the paper (names and institutions) to Tara Sheehan at tsheehan@ntanet.org by May 31.