Boston MA
Thursday, November 16, 2006
On Globalization and the Possibility of Progressive Taxation
- The Honorable Lawrence Summers, Taxation in the 21st Century
Retirement Savings: Perspectives, Prospects, and Judgment Calls
- Jane Gravelle, Individual Savings Accounts Proposals: Budgetary and Economic Effects
Are State Business Tax Incentives Good Public Policy? Multidisciplinary Perspectives in the Wake of DaimlerChrysler Corp. Et Al. V. Cuno Et Al.
- Peter D. Enrich, A Defense of the Commerce Clause’s Role in Constraining State Business Tax Incentives
- Ann Markusen, A Market for Jobs Approach for Analyzing the Competition for Capital
- Robert S. Chirinko and Daniel J. Wilson, State Investment Tax Incentives: What Are the Facts?
- David Wildasin, Comments
New Perspectives on Tax Compliance
- Zhiyong An, Identity and Tax Evasion
- Mark A. Ibele and Jon David Vasché, An Analysis of Abusive Tax Shelters in California – Background, Issues, and Developments
Interjurisdictional Fiscal Disparities and Intergovernmental Grants
- Howard Chernick and Andrew Reschovsky, Fiscal Disparities in Selected Metropolitan Areas
- Yesim Yilmaz, Sonya Hoo, Kim Rueben, Matthew Nagowski, and Robert Tannenwald, Fiscal Disparities across States, FY 2002
Value Added Taxation: Administration, Evasion, and Feasibility
- António Martins, Sources of Complexity in the Value Added Tax: A European Perspective
From Accumulation to Distribution: Building Then Tapping the Retirement Nest Egg
- David Love and Paul A. Smith, Measuring Dissaving Out of Retirement Wealth
- Sarah Holden and Michael Bogdan, Running 401(k): Keeping Pace from Accumulation to Distribution
In Honor of Richard M. Bird, 2006 Daniel M. Holland Medal Recipient
- Roy Bahl, Remarks about Richard M. Bird on the Occasion of His Receiving the Daniel M. Holland Award
- Charles E. McLure, Jr., Richard Bird and the Study and Practice of Public Finance: “You Must Play the Ball as It Lies”
- Enid Slack and François Vaillancourt, Canadian Matters: A Tribute to Richard Bird
- Richard M. Bird, Roughing It?
Friday, November 17, 2006
Four Economic Issues in Tax-Exempt Bonds: Issuance Costs, Arbitrage, Who Buys Them, and Effect on House Values
- Myungsoon Hur, The Impact of Municipal Debt on House Values: Focusing on the Role of Referendum
- Dennis Zimmerman and Kurt Seibert, Broadening the Definition of Arbitrage Bonds: The Case of Nonprofit Hospitals
Disasters: Implications for Public Finance and Public Policy
- Matt Clark, Joseph Cordes, and Bryan Roberts, Public-Private Partnerships and Homeland Security
- Erzo F. P. Luttmer, Richard J. Zeckhauser, and Carolyn Kousky, Permits to Elicit Information
- David E. Wildasin, Disaster Policy in the U.S. Federation: Intergovernmental Incentives and Institutional Reform
- Erwann O. Michel-Kerjan, Disasters and Public Policy: Can Market Lessons Help Address Government Failures?
Topics in State Economic Development
- Douglas Campbell and James Alm, Are Impact Fees a Deterrent to Development?
Tax Culture and Tax Morale
- Lars P. Feld and Benno Torgler, Tax Morale in Germany in the 90s
- Benno Torgler and Friedrich Schneider, Shadow Economy, Institutions, and Tax Morale
- John E. Anderson, Tax Bribes in Transition Countries
Property Valuation, Burden Assignment, and Differential Taxation
- Jeffrey O. Sundberg and Richard F. Dye, Tax Incentives for Conservation Easement Donations
Taxes, Labor Supply, and Entrepreneurship
- Donald J. Marples, State and Local Tax Policy: Evidence of Its Effect on Entrepreneurship
Evolving State Business Tax Policies
- Dagney Faulk, The Effects of Business Property Tax Incentives
- Jim Landers and Diane Powers, Have Recent Changes to Corporate Income Apportionment Formulas Contributed to the Decline of State Corporate Income Taxes?
Issues in Education Finance
- Susan M. Dynarski and Judith E. Scott-Clayton, The Feasibility of Streamlining Aid for College Using the Tax System
New Insights in the Mortgage Interest Deduction
- Kelly D. Edmiston and Kenneth Spong, The Income Geography of Tax Incentives for Homeownership: Evidence from the Kansas City Metropolitan Area
- John E. Anderson, Comments on Making Tax Incentives for Homeownership More Equitable and Efficient,” Adam Carasso, C. Eugene Steuerle, and Elizabeth Bell
Tax Expenditures for the Low-Income Population: Medicaid, Food Stamps, and the EITC
- Elizabeth T. Powers and Nicholas J. Powers, Federal Fiscal Policy and the Speed of States’ Conversions from Institutional to Community- Based Mental Health Service Settings
Frontiers of Public Finance: 2006 NTA Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award Winners
- Arturo Ramirez Verdugo, Regional Incentives for Investment in Mexico: The Accelerated Depreciation Reforms
- Francesca Mazzolari, The Effects of Welfare Time Limits: What Do We Know?
Taxes and Migration
- Tami Gurley-Calvez and Katherine Harper, Do Taxes Affect Interstate Location Decisions for High-Income Households?
- Yolanda K. Kodrzycki, Comments on “Do Americans Move for Lower Taxes? The Tax Reform Act of 1986 as a Natural Experiment,” Ming-Feng Hsieh and Hui-chen Wang
Issues in the Choice of Tax Base and the Structure of Revenue
- Ray Nelson, State Income Tax Revenue Volatility: Causes and Effects
- Jason M. Fletcher and Matthew N. Murray, Demographics, Competition, and State Tax Progressivity
International Tax Competition—Results From the Special Research Area
- Nadine Wiedermann-Ondrej, Hybrid Instruments and the Indirect Credit Method – Does It Work?
- Christian Bellak and Markus Leibrecht, Some Further Evidence on the Role of Effective Corporate Income Taxes as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Central and East European Countries
- Eva Eberhartinger and Martin Six, National Tax Policy, the EC Directives, and Hybrid Finance
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Taxation and Economic Growth
- Joyce Tung, John W. Diamond, and George R. Zodrow, Modeling Tax Reform in an International Setting
- Nicholas Bull and Timothy Dowd, Long-Run Tax Rates and Long-Run Growth: Macroeconomic Effects of the Aging Baby Boomers and of the Changing Federal Tax System
Tax Policy for Education: Financial Aid and College Savings Incentives
- Jessica Wolpaw Reyes, College Financial Aid Rules and the Allocation of Savings
- Raquel Meyer Alexander and LeAnn Luna, An Analysis of Individual Investor’s Response to New 529 College Savings Plans’ Disclosures
- Margaret Clancy, Chang-Keun Han, Lisa Reyes Mason, and Michael Sherraden, Inclusion in College Savings Plans: Program Features and Savings
Tax Benefits and Administrative Burdens: Recent Research From the Internal Revenue Service
- Martha Eller Gangi, Kimberly A. Henry, and Brian G. Raub, Factors in Estates’ Utilization of Special Tax Provisions for Family-Owned Farms and Closely Held Businesses
- Matthew L. Scoffic, Corporation Life Cycles: Examining Attrition Trends and Return Characteristics in Statistics of Income Cross-Sectional 1120 Samples
- Michelle S. Chu and Melissa M. Kovalick, An Analysis of the Free File Program
Local Public Finance
- Peter Haug and Birger Nerré, Local Public Utilities’ Profits and Municipal Expenses in Germany: An Empirical Analysis
Geographically Based Taxes and Tax Incentives
- Amy Ellen Schwartz, Ingrid Gould Ellen, and Rachel Meltzer, What Do Business Improvement Districts Do for Property Owners?
- John E. Anderson, Comments
- Leslie Papke, Comments on “Employee Use of the Empowerment Zone Tax Credit,” Andrew Hanson