November 21 – 23, 2019 |Tampa Marriott Water Street | Tampa, Florida
Thank you for attending the 2019 Annual Conference on Taxation! Please take the attendee survey here and help us improve future conferences.
Conference Chair
Drew Lyon, President, National Tax Association
Program Chairs
Leslie Robinson, Dartmouth College
Stefanie Stantcheva, Harvard University
The 112th Annual Conference on Taxation will cover a broad range of topics including, but not limited to, taxation and tax policies; expenditure policies; government budgeting; intergovernmental fiscal relations; and subnational, national, and international public finance. The conference will focus, as always, on policy-relevant research bearing on taxation and government spending.
We are pleased to announce our keynote speakers: Emmanuel Saez (University of California, Berkeley) and Joel Slemrod (University of Michigan). You can read more about them here.
We will also feature a plenary session panel discussion on Capital and Wealth Taxation, moderated by James Poterba (MIT), with distinguished panelists including Henrik Kleven (Princeton University), Wojciech Kopczuk (Columbia University), Beth Kaufman (Caplin & Drysdale), and Jason Furman (Harvard Kennedy School).
The conference includes a short-course education session on Saturday afternoon and many opportunities for graduate students to present their research and network with NTA members.
Please direct any questions to nta@ntanet.org. See you in Tampa!